On August 25th through August 27th , Friends of Nevada Wilderness, the BLM, and the Nevada Outdoor School, joined forces to decommission two areas of illegal trespass in the Alder Creek WSA near Onion Reservoir and Knott Creek Reservoir.This Wilderness Study Area is located near Denio,Nevada in Northern Humboldt County. The elevation at the campsite was approximatly 7,500 ft. and we actually got a frost on Saturday morning, but the daytime temps were pleasent.
Friends of Nevada Wilderness provided the meal on Friday night, Gerald Gulley of the Winnemucca BLM, provided the breakfast fare and George Collier, a “Friends” volunteer created an incredible vegetarian rice dish on Saturday after the project.
Seven “Friends” volunteers and staff, two BLM staffers and seven volunteers from the NOS spent all day on Saturday de-compacting the road surfaces, and transplanting native vegetation into the damaged areas. The end result was amazing! The roads virtually disappeared.
This was one of the most satisfying projects that I have been involved with, the sense of accomplishment was incredible. This was a moving experience for me, and I feel as though we have made a lasting difference in the Alder Creek WSA. I have to tell you though, none of this would have been possible without the work of our dedicated volunteers. A special thanks to Jane, George, Wes, Max, the NOS crew, and Will and Gerald from the BLM. Angie and I cannot thank you enough!
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