delighted to provide you, our supporters, with some exciting updates on what we’ve
been doing over the last couple of months to help make protection for Gold
Butte a reality.
Congressman Steven Horsford smiles for the camera before his helicoptor
flight over Gold Butte (photo courtesy of Congressman Horsford's Facebook page) |
February was a busy and exciting time
as Congressmen Steven Horsford (NV-4) viewed Gold Butte from a bird’s eye view.
The Congressman took part in a helicopter flyover of the amazing landscape and said
he looks forward to working with us to add further protection for Gold Butte,
even tweeting during the flight, “Thank
you for the tour! Look forward to working with you to preserve and protect Gold
Butte.” You can view several wonderful photos
from the flyover taken by the Congressman’s staff on
the “Protect
Nevada” facebook page.
Mesquite Off-Road Days course - bringing together people who enjoy
responsible recreation! (photo by Kurt Kuznicki) |
February 23-24, the first ever Mesquite Off-Road Weekend event drew adrenaline
dare devils and leisurely riders alike to the area to enjoy the beauty of
Nevada’s outdoors, including our own piece of the Grand Canyon, Gold Butte. The
event included rides, races, and performances, all showing off the amazing
landscapes that are found here. Staff and volunteers from Friends of Gold Butte
and Friends of Nevada Wilderness had a booth at the event to educate attendees
about how efforts to protect Gold Butte would keep open current routes
designated for vehicle and other access. We would like to thank and congratulate
the primary event sponsor, the Eureka Resort and Casino, for producing what we
hope will become an annual event.
In addition, last month the Outdoor
Industry Association (OIA) released some noteworthy statistics highlighting the
financial impact that outdoor recreation has on local economies, furthering the
case for protecting public lands like Gold Butte. According to OIA’s
outdoor recreation in Nevada
produces $14.9 billion in revenue annually and is responsible for 148,000 jobs
that cater to and equip out-of-state visitors and residents alike. This results
in $1.0 billion in state and local tax revenue. The report
shows that, even in the midst of the worst economic recession in more than 70
years, outdoor recreation as a significant Nevada industry has continued to
prosper, and the results have many Nevada business leaders talking about how we
can expand those opportunities.
Gold Butte Days Festival includes races and
community vendors (photo courtesy of the Mesquite Local News) |
Mark your calendars! Gold
Butte Days is around the corner. This year’s
event will take place October
18-19. “Gold Butte Days” will involve local businesses and organizations that
wish to participate in a street fair, outdoor activities and entertainment
events to publicize Mesquite’s proximity to one of the most beautiful corners
of the American Southwest.
We hope you’ll join our collaborative
efforts with other local organizations and businesses as we continue protecting
the beautiful wonders of Nevada. “
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follow “Protect Nevada” on
Facebook and Twitter to stay informed and join the discussion.