Friends of Nevada Wilderness's board member John Hiatt checks the map on a recent Wilderness monitoring trip to the South McCullough Wilderness.Do you have a favorite area? Would you like to adopt a wild place and become its guardian on the ground? All you have to do is visit your adopted wilderness a few times each year - on your own schedule. You'll get to know its hidden side and report to us if something seems wrong or out of place. Or celebrate its wildness with stories and photos to share with others on our website. Call, we’ll help get you started. (775) 324-7667 for northern Nevada or call (775) 745-3119 for southern Nevada.
Just click on the link below for a very simple monitoring form to take with you.
We've done some cool projects here in Wild Southern Nevada, but I think this project is one of my favorites. Although all these hardworking folks were from different backgrounds and places from around the world ( Kenya, Tanzania, Panama and of course the USA) we all share the same love and concern for the wild places and wildlife. We planted 600 native plants in an effort to control invasive weeds and got a very cool tour of the refuge by Refuge Manager Chivia Horton.
Special thanks to the awesome volunteers and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pahranagat NWR Rocks!
We had a very successful day of Wilderness Outreach at the Henderson Nevada National Trails Day Event. We spoke to a lot of folks, signed up some new members, and recruited some more volunteers for the Spring Mountains NRA. We even had the pleasure to pose for a photo with Mohave doesn't get any better than that.
Special thanks to uber volunteer Kathy Ujifusa and board member Hermi Hiatt for giving up their Saturday to make a difference for Southern Nevada Wilderness.
Volunteers cross shovels to celebrate another successful project in the Mt Charleston Wilderness from left to right, Bill James, John Hiatt, John Bialecki, John Oreshack.